The Atlanta contemporary is pleased to announce our 2022 Nexus Fund Grantees. Each jury-selected project was awarded $5,000 to realize their project in 2022. These projects were funded as part of the Atlanta Contemporary’s Regional Regranting Partnership with the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts. This program partners with arts organizations around the country to provide grants to artists and collectives for projects that chart new creative territories in their communities. The Nexus Fund underwrites artist-driven projects that engage in risk-taking and experimentation, notably those projects that broaden the critical discourse and challenge traditional assumptions.
Grantees are as follows:
Assane, Sabar-Salsa- Samba
The Atlanta Reclamation Project, The Mavens of St.Catherines Island
Ebony Blanding, The Final Bow: A Love Dojo
Mark Anthony Brown JR, Metro Atlanta Family Photo Album
P.Faith Carmichael & Next, They Could Be Next
Ashlee Haze, Kiera
Patricia Hernandez, Nuesta Creacion.
Shelby Hofer, High Risk, Baby!
Pam Longobardi & Jill Frank, River Gleaners
Noah Reyes & Sergio Suarez, Eso TilÍn Projects
For more information on these projects visit thenexus.fund or email anna@atlantacontemporary.org