The Alliance of Artists Communities is a national organization that serves the field of artist residencies by hosting conferences and workshops, providing professional development opportunities to member organizations, and conducting research and data-gathering on trends in the field. The Alliance has developed a multi-pronged approach to identifying and expanding opportunities for people of color and people with disabilities in residency settings – both staff and participants. It provides direct support and mentoring to residency staff though fellowships, engages Board members and staff through education initiatives, curates a track of its annual conference dedicated to equity work, and advocates to members, funders, and other organizations about the importance and relevance of this work.
Alliance of Artists Communities – Diversity and Leadership initiatives
The Cantor Arts Center at Stanford University acquired the Andy Warhol Photography Archive from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts in 2014. The collection of 3,600 contact sheets and corresponding negatives represents the complete range of Warhol’s black-and-white photographic practice from 1976 until his unexpected death in 1987.