Philadelphia’s Brandywine Workshop is a center for artists from culturally diverse backgrounds working in the field of fine art printmaking. Through its respected artist in residence program, it has produced editions with hundreds of well-known and emerging artists from around the country. As it approaches its 50th anniversary, it is organizing Printmaking: Roots and Invention, a residency for eight visiting artists who have been invited to explore and expand what a print can be in this moment when available technologies include everything from traditional photo screenprinting to CNC assisted wood cuts and rapid prototyping. Brandywine will work in partnership with three local master printer workshops to realize artists’ visions: Dos Tress Press specializing in woodcut; PaperThinkTank with expertise in handmade paper casting; and Atelier Galen Gibson-Cornell, a lithography and screen print shop. Artists will be encouraged to experiment with construction, assemblage, and digital space.
Brandywine Workshop and Archives
August 6, 1928. Andy Warhol was born Andrew Warhola in Pittsburgh to Julia and Andrej Warhola, Carpatho-Rusyn immigrants and devout Byzantine Catholics who had fled poverty and war in current-day Slovakia.