LACE both champions and challenges the art of our time by fostering artists who innovate, explore, and risk. We move within and beyond our four walls to provide opportunities for diverse publics to engage deeply with contemporary art. In doing so, we further dialogue and participation between and among artists and those audiences.
Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions
See Also
Lightning Fund
LACE (Los Angeles Contemporary Exhibitions)
Los Angeles, CA
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Announces Fall 2021 Grantees and New Website
12 January 2022
The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Expands Its Regional Regranting Program and Appoints Khadija Nia Adell as Regional Re-granting Program Manager
15 October 2020
The Warhol Foundation will award $413,500 in Fall 2018 Curatorial Research Fellowships
23 January 2019
The Andy Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant is launched as part of an arts writing initiative designed to support independent, progressive arts publications and individual arts writers.