GYOPO is a collective of diasporic Korean cultural producers and arts professionals generating and sharing progressive, critical, intersectional and intergenerational discourses, community alliances, and free educational programs in Los Angeles and beyond. Currently in production is the first feature-length documentary on Nam June Paik (1932-2006), the Korean American artist hailed as “the father of video art.” Directed by Amanda Kim with a team that includes veteran producers David Koh and Jennifer Stockman as well as curators Christine Kim and Ellie Lee, Nam June Paik: Moon is the Oldest TV, will offer unprecedented insight into the artist’s work and life and will frame his practice as deeply relevant to contemporary concerns about the threats and promises of technology.
Nam June Paik: Moon is the Oldest TV
- Institution
- Gyopo
- Location
- Los Angeles, CA
- Grant Cycle
- Spring 2021
- Amount
- $100,000
- Type of Grant
- Multi-year Program Support
- Website
- ↗

Nam June Paik Exhibition at Tate Modern, filmed in 2020. © Estate of Nam June Paik Photo: Tate

Young Nam June Paik, screenshot from the film,
Courtesy of the Estate of Nam June Paik © The Estate of Nam June Paik

Nam June Paik with Robot K456 in NYC, 1964, screenshot from film, Courtesy of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York and the Estate of Nam June Paik © The Estate of Nam June Paik

Nam June Paik TV Garden 1974-7, filmed in 2020 at the Tate Modern Retrospective
© Estate of Nam June Paik. Photo: Tate

Charlotte Moorman and Nam June Paik during a performance, New York, New York, January 18, 1966. (Photo by Fred W. McDarrah/Getty Images)

Nam June Paik Electronic Superghighway Continental U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, 1995, fifty-one channel video installation (including one closed-circuit television feed), custom electronics, neon lighting, steel and wood; color, sound, Smithsonian American Art Museum, filmed in 2021, © Nam June Paik Estate

Nam June Paik at Documenta 6 Satellite Telecast, 1977, screenshot from film. Courtesy of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York and the Estate of Nam June Paik © The Estate of Nam June Paik
See Also
Andy Warhol launches Interview magazine.