The Media Democracy Fund is a grantmaking collaborative dedicated to pursuing US media policies that protect the public interest. Using pooled resources from foundations and other donors, it makes grants to organizations that work to uphold the principle of net neutrality, increase the diversification of media ownership, and bolster the protection of intellectual property and personal privacy online. MDF is administered by the New Venture Fund, which provides it with staff support and investment management.
New Venture Fund – Media Democracy Fund
See Also
Application Guidelines
Andy Warhol Museum
The Andy Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh, PA was cofounded in 1989 by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Dia Art Foundation, and Carnegie Institute. Home to more than 500,000 objects, it is the largest repository of Warhol’s artwork and archival materials and among the most comprehensive single-artist museums in the world. Since […]
Andy Warhol was enormously prolific. When he passed away, his estate included a large collection of his paintings, drawings, prints, and photographs. The Foundation, as beneficiary of the estate, has donated tens of thousands of these works to nearly 200 institutions, including a group of more than 3,000 works that now anchors the permanent collection […]
Andy Warhol changed the way we look at the world, and the way the world looks at art. With his exhaustive observation of cultural trends, from his rise to Pop art fame in the early 1960s up until his death in 1987, he identified the images and aesthetics shaping the consumer-driven postwar American experience, and […]

Houston, TX
Warhol painted more than 100 works related to Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper, which some have read as complex reckoning of his homosexuality, Catholicism, and mortality in response to witnessing AIDS devastate the gay community.