Ortega y Gasset Projects (OyG) is a non-profit artist-run curatorial collective and exhibition space in Gowanus, Brooklyn. OyG was formed when a group of artists realized how much their practices were dictated by their circumstances. The name is inspired by philosopher José Ortega y Gasset’s famous maxim “yo soy yo y mi circunstancia” (I’m myself and my circumstance), a nod to the philosopher’s pragmatism and realist phenomenology.
OyG is entirely run by working artists, who recognize that exploration is key to artistic vitality. It embraces an exploratory model where artists take the role of curator, critic and promoter. Working without concern for commercial profit or an explicit curatorial ideology, the goal of OyG is to mount exhibitions that support under-represented, marginalized artists and emerging artists, provoke dialogue and bolster artistic community. In doing so, it participates within a wider forum to disseminate aesthetic experience and expand our roles, priorities and scope of influence within art culture.