Space One Eleven is a visual arts organization founded in Birmingham, Alabama in 1986. Space One Eleven’s mission is to provide professional opportunities for artists, create a forum for public understanding of contemporary art, and offer arts education to area youth. Foregrounding the values of social justice and human rights, it supports artists to take creative risks and address current issues through projects executed in all media. As an artist-run alternative to commercial galleries and traditional museum settings, Space One Eleven encourages artists at all career levels to exercise their creative freedom and create work that takes risks.
Space One Eleven Arts Center
“It is an honor to be part of The Warhol Foundation’s mission to support the visual arts coupled with its commitment to specifically support the voices of women, POC, Native Americans, and LGBTQ. It is simply thrilling to be part of an organization where we get to see these values writ large and implement real change in real life ways in the visual arts community that still so needs to move forward in terms of social justice, equality, and diversity. We put our money where our mouth is. How many institutions actually do that?”
Deborah Kass, Artist