Triple Canopy is a magazine that works with artists and writers to address the critical issues that define contemporary life. Triple Canopy is committed to cultivating unconventional, unassimilated forms of thought and expression, and to meaningfully supporting the people who produce them. The magazine collaborates with contributors on artworks, essays, fictions, conversations, performances, and books (among other media) from conception to realization, navigating the digital and physical realms where ideas and audiences take shape. In doing so, Triple Canopy strives to not only analyze but alter the structures that influence whose voices are heard, whose stories are circulated, and whose experiences are valued.
Triple Canopy
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“The terrific range of project proposals we receive each year speaks to the mobile and porous disciplinary boundaries of contemporary art practice, and to the rich and inventive ways writers approach art today. They are alert to the urgent need to expand the conventions of art history and criticism with ideas from other discourses, such as black studies, transnational and diaspora studies, gender and women’s studies, and LGBT studies. The work of lesser known and overlooked artists and art communities continues to be mined, with writers articulating new ways to counter the striking imbalances of race, class and gender that continue to affect the arts and the culture industry.”